How much will it cost?
The total price for the camp is $475 per camper. However, we ask that each camper contribute $300. We also ask that our campers fundraise so that they have a stake in the mission they are going on. If campers choose not to fundraise, they will be given an opportunity to contribute the remainder in June.
Because the payment the Parish makes to Catholic Heart is non-refundable, that means that your payment is also non-refundable.
What is the deadline?
Feb 18... Please sign up and pay (the full amount) by then. After the 18th, open spots will be sold to other local churches.
Chaperones for the week:
We currently have 2 chaperones, but will need at least 2 more. If you are interested in attending with your teen, please let me know! This week is not just for kids. Adults experience real change as well, and get to see their kids open up to their faith in a new way.